Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer days......

Cohen and I are always busy doing somthing!! Just trying to help the time pass by till Daddy gets home, but also enjoying my sweet little boy as he gets older!! It makes me teary eyed to see how big he is getting and so fast!! Boy does time fly!

Cohen's new thing is to go swimming! He loves the water!!! We have this pool in town that is super kid friendly!! The kids can walk all around the pool. They have giant mushrooms pouring water off them, shooting sprinkler pipes, and buckets of water that dump over on top of you! He just laughs and smiles the entire time. Occassionally he gets so excited he dives head first into the water and he still comes up smiling!We can't wait to take Daddy here with us!!

And here are some other pictures of Cohen just playing and being silly!! He has such a personality and his little laugh just melts my heart!! Sorry I am being a bragging Momma right now!!

Being silly!! Eating grilled cheese sandwiches!!

Messy boy!! After eating lunch!!

playing with his new toy out back!! :)

Hope everyone else is enjoying their summer and spending lots of quality family time!! There is nothing more important to me then my family!! I would do anything for anyone of them!! I am so excited becasue tomorrow Cohen and I are going to CT to visit my parents!! Its just one more thing to help pass the time!! And we get to see their new house, visit Phillip's side of the family, go to the beach, my sister is coming to visit as well and we are going to New York City!! So we should have a great time and dont worry I will take lots of pictures!! haha!! :)

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